Review originally published on the Storylinks website From the last line of the first page of The Hand, the Eye and the Heart, “And so I heard the assassin speak,” I was hooked. From that first chapter, I knew I was in good hands with this talented and prolific young writer… …

A Novel Prescription: Eggshell Skull

My review of Bri Lee’s memoir, Eggshell Skull, was published in the Autumn issue of GPSpeak. Anyone curious about the complexities of taking sexual assault cases to trial will love Eggshell Skull. It’s also a very timely read in the face of the controversy surrounding Cardinal George Pell’s trial. I’ve …

A Novel Prescription: Multi-passionate creative careers with Valerie Khoo

I am delighted to introduce our very first guest prescriber. Valerie Khoo is an author, journalist and CEO of the Australian Writers’ Centre. She is also a visual artist and you can find her original artwork and prints at ValerieKhoo.com. I’ve admired Valerie for a long time. She was editing my …

Sibling stories

  I saw on Twitter that Jaclyn Moriarty, the highly successful author of A Corner of White and The Extremely Inconvenient Adventures of Bronte Mettlestone (among others), was teasing her sister Liane, who is also an author. https://twitter.com/jaclynmoriarty/status/1040498583303118850 I laughed out loud at the fine balance between “hell no she’s …

A Novel Prescription – Compassion for pollies

Book suggestions for politicians – and the rest of us! For this month’s prescription I was inspired by the need for compassion in our politicians. Not so much compassion for them – although I know it’s not an easy job – but sometimes I look at what’s happening in our …

Author Talk – Oliver Phommavanh

Byron Bibliotherapy was very excited to sponsor an author event with Oliver Phommavanh last month, hosted by the Brunswick Heads Girl Guides and Scouts. He was a hilarious speaker, keeping the children enthralled, and the adults had tears of laughter too. I honestly laughed the most I had for ages …